Tuesday, November 22, 2016

JKS Collaboration Solutions

Collaboration is the amalgamation of IT assets where servers, networks, and storage layers all work together in a single computing package. Collaboration of these assets creates a Converged Infrastructure (CI) and provides seamless support, service, and maintenance through one provider, enabling your business to be more productive while reducing capital costs.
JKS provides tailored Infrastructure, Collaboration, Security, Data Solutions, and Professional Services (including: cloud, data, security, fiber optic and structured cabling, A/V, PA, VoIP, wireless, virtualization, backup, disaster recovery, office security, CCTV, and more) to allow solid collaboration for your business. Optimizing your IT infrastructure, in turn, optimizes the abilities and productivity of your employees by enabling faster decision-making and preventing downtime of IT assets.

Companies using older, traditional IT systems can face multiple problems:
Multiple IT Employees: Older systems are fragmented and highly complex creating the need for large IT departments to maintain them. Companies without a CI generally require multiple IT employees and ongoing training to maintain these systems. The space needed to house the cabling and equipment can be exorbitant, costing companies extra money.
Complex Process: Traditional systems are rigid and adding new services or expanding systems could be very costly. Adding or upgrading services can be a complex process and may require companies to contract these services to outside agencies, reducing the effectiveness of their IT department.
High Costs: Communications tools and services such as internet, email, phones, video conferencing, and application sharing are often provided by different vendors and some services overlap, causing businesses to pay for the same services several times.

JKS can help you design and implement a CI specific to your needs, we offer:
·         Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
·         Contact Center
·         Wireless and Mobility
·         Video conference

 For more information, contact us at


1 comment:

  1. technology is changing very fast . old computers are lying all over .are they any measures on how to dispose them i see this as a big challenge
