There are many benefits of using a CCTV security system. Some are very obvious. We listed the most common benefits after having a CCTV system installed.
Safer working environment – CCTV helps to ensure adherence to health and safety policies and can be invaluable in staff training.
Increased deterrent – CCTV systems are a great deterrent to potential thieves. Once they realise that your business is protected by a closed circuit television system they invariably choose to go somewhere else.
Reduced retail theft – shop lifters deliberately target businesses with poor security and will think twice if there is an increased risk they may be caught on camera.
Increased detection – the prosecution rates for businesses owners using CCTV is many times higher than that for those without CCTV. If you are unfortunate enough to be a victim of crime at least there will be a strong chance of detection and conviction.
Eliminate fraudulent insurance claims – in an increasingly litigious society is has never been more important to protect your business against claims that are not legitimate. CCTV can eliminate this and reduce your premiums.
Remote monitoring – keep an eye on your business when you aren’t there. All our CCTV systems can be viewed and controlled remotely over the internet.
Staff protection – CCTV is perfect for preventing assaults and false claims of misconduct (ideal for schools, hospitals etc).